Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in ABA

Our Executive Director, Ruth Tello-Di Leva, will be participating in the upcoming Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Virtual Conference. Ruth, along with Jose Rios and Isaac Bermudez, will present a workshop on July 16th entitled Disseminating ABA Effectively: The Art and Science Behind Excellent Presentations, Trainings and Lectures.

The entire conference is free, however, there is a fee if you require CEU credits. Complete details and registration at Eventbrite.

Disseminating ABA effectively: The Art and Science Behind Excellent Presentations, Trainings and Lectures
9:00 am – 12:00 pm 3 CEUs

Isaac Bermudez M.S., BCBA
Jose Rios M.A., BCBA
Ruth Tello-Di Leva M.S., BCBA

The field of applied behavior analysis challenges us to be effective communicators of our science and methodologies. As behavior analysts, we are often asked to present behavior analytic information to other professionals, parents and staff. This workshop will teach participants strategies to communicate one’s presentation content more effectively. A competent presentation can effectively deliver information to enhance an audience member’s knowledge on a subject matter and to develop new skills in the audience.

The style and methods we use to deliver and communicate such a presentation can advance the audience’s understanding of our message. In this workshop, we will discuss and illustrate common errors made by presenters and we will demonstrate methods to compose and design more effective presentations that truly impart clear and focused information that is instructional, engaging, and that resonates with the audience. This workshop will explore recommendations for pre-presentation tasks, methods to grasp one’s audience within the first few minutes of a talk, and concluding a presentation successfully.

The presenters have accumulated a vast amount of presenting experience and bring their unique skill sets, personalities, and diverse background to bring to a stimulating, unique, and useful workshop.   Register at Eventbrite