Familias First provides Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) interventions to teach pivotal skills, such as social skills, communication skills, adaptive behaviors, and self-help skills. A variety of settings are available to meet the individual’s needs, including the individual’s home, community, or school. Although every individual is different, and the outcome of the services will differ from one person to another, we strongly believe that the involvement of the individual’s family is crucial in order to reach their full potential. Our agency provides Functional Behavior Assessments (FBA), develops, and implements Behavior Intervention Plans based on Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles. Additionally, behavior consultation is available in a 1:1 group setting. Patient information about the services delivered by Familias First is available to authorized staff, patients, caregivers, and relevant stakeholders by written request.
Our Services
The FBA involves the analysis of key factors correlated with the client’s problem behavior and to find a socially appropriate behavior that can meet the same need. This can be done by determining the function of the behavior targeted for change. The assessment process involves both direct and indirect data collection, as well as a record review and interviews with those who have an interest in the client’s progress. Our agency will usually conduct the FBA before starting services. FBAs are also provided by Familias First as a stand-alone service when an independent assessment is needed.
Comprehensive ABA Treatment
- Treatment to multiple affected developmental domains, such us communication, social and adaptive.
- Individual presenting a variety of maladaptive behaviors.
- Intervention may initially be provided in a structured setting. As the client progresses a more naturalistic method are implemented.
- Training caregivers and family members to manage the individual problem behaviors and teach skills is a critical component of the ABA treatment.
Focused ABA Treatment:
- Treatment provided to individuals with a limited number of behavior targets: increasing socially appropriate behaviors, compliance with self-care, safety skills.
- Appropriate for individuals who need treatment to address a limited number of skills or to address a severe problem behavior as a priority.
- Training caregivers and family members to manage the individual problem behaviors and teach skills is a critical component.
How often are services provided?
- Intensity for Comprehensive ABA treatment often involves 15-40 hours per week of direct treatment, not including supervision, parent training.
- Intensity for Focused ABA treatment often involves 3- 14 hours per week of direct treatment, not including supervision, parent training.
Intensity of services varies depending on the needs of each individual.
Where do services take place?
Services should be delivered in different settings to promote generalization and maintenance. A child might receive services in two or more settings in the same day.
What is the appropriate age for an individual to obtain services?
Treatment should be based on the clinical needs of the individual and not constrained by age. Services should start as soon as possible. There is evidence that the earlier the services begins, the greater the likelihood of positive long-term results.
How can I obtain Services?
There are different options for obtaining services:
- If you have Health Insurance and your child has a diagnosis of autism you should be able to obtain services from your Insurance carrier.
- For those individuals that do not have a diagnosis of autism or do not have Health insurance you should contact the Regional Center in your area.
- You can also obtain Private services. Please contact the office for more information.
Familias First is an agency dedicated to providing evidenced-based, Applied Behavior Analysis services to students who exhibit challenging behaviors which interfere with accessing the core curriculum. Our agency places great emphasis on providing positive behavior supports with the goal of integrating the students into the general education setting. We provide the 1:1 ABA therapists, supervision, and the development and implementation of Behavior Intervention Plan. Familias First serves students from culturally diverse backgrounds and English language learners. Our staff undergoes an in-depth training and meet all requirements to serve students.