
Sibshops Sibling Peer Support Group

The San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center in association with the San Gabriel/Pomona Parents Place is hosting monthly meetings called Sibshops. The group will meet every third Saturday from 10:00 a.m.  – 12:00 p.m. This program is for children ages 9-12 who have a sibling or family member with a disability. Sibshops provides siblings with peer support and information […]

Health and Wellness Fair for Adults

The San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center will be hosting a free Health and Wellness Fair for adults in the community. This is a great opportunity to take advantage Health, Dental and Vision screenings. They will also have a healthy cooking demonstration and exercise instruction. It will be an informative and fun event! The event is Thursday, September […]

SGP Regional Center Critical Issues Forum

The San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center is holding its second Critical Issues Forum on Wednesday, July 26 from 10 a.m. – noon. The topic of this forum is  the Fair Hearing Process.  If you’ve been denied a service or simply want to find out more information about the appeal process and the fair hearing process, this meeting […]

LABA Meeting June 17th

The Latino Association of Applied Behavior Analysis in association with LASABA is hosting a general meeting on June 17th at Cal State Los Angeles. The meeting runs from 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. and is open to anyone who would like to attend. The guest speaker is Dr. Michele Wallace. Everyone is welcome but reservation […]

Christmas Caroling at Brookdale Senior Living

All of us at Familias First were so pleased to share a little Christmas cheer with the residents of Brookdale Senior Living in Alhambra.

Music For Autism Concert

The Help Group is presenting an interactive concert for individuals with autism and their families on Sunday, November 13th at 2:00 pm at the Autism Center Theater in Sherman Oaks.

Free Flu Shots September 9th

Familias First and our sister company, CBC Education are partnering with Walgreens to give out free flu shots to children, parents and anyone who is uninsured or in need.