The Latino Association for Behavior Analysis meetings are open to Professionals in the Behavior Analysis field.
Dr. Michael Cameron will be presenting at the next LABA meeting coming up on February 3rd. Dr. Cameron, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (Charter Certificant 1-00-0010) is the Founder and Chief Scientific Officer for The Cedar Group and experienced in the area of behavioral intervention technologies, behavioral medicine, behavioral health assessment, knowledge management, organizational development, and higher education. Prior to founding The Cedar Group, Dr. Cameron was the Chief Executive and Scientific Officer for ObiGobi. He also served as the Chief Clinical Officer for Pacific Child and Family Associates, and a tenured Associate Professor and the Founding Chair of the Department of Behavior Analysis at Simmons College. Dr. Cameron earned a master’s degree in applied behavior analysis and a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from Northeastern University.
CEU credits are available. For detailed information and to register, visit the LABA Registration page.
DATE: Saturday, February 3rd, 2018
TIME: 11:00am to 3:30pm
LOCATION: Walnut Park Middle School
ADDRESS: 7500 Marbrisa Avenue, Walnut Park, 90255